Time for Class! Bondage, Business, or Both?

Sorry for the long absence, but I’ve been all tied up.


Besides the day job and lotsa doctor appointments to deal with the cancer thing (more on that, below), I’ve been taking workshops and attending events. Bondage and Meditation. Yes, it’s a thing.

Thanks to the magical Michael for being my partner this week, 
to awesome Alexandra the week before, 
and to terrific Tim and amazing Aaron the week before that.
And all props to Orpheus and Indigo Black, Mina, and the other workshop facilitators
Yes, the word “loose” instead of “lose” bothered me at first. But it’s actually just as appropriate, because when you are bound physically , you are also loosened, mentally, emotionally.

It has been a sensual, peaceful, wonderful way to connect with my body and spirit in a healthy, joyful way. I highly recommend it.

Also, it can make for terrific foreplay, if you learn the ropes and have a lover who is willing to play that way. [insert happy smile here]

But besides that workshop, I’ve also been busy preparing to give one of my own, through LARA (Los Angeles Romance Authors).  Here’s the deets:

 August 2015:  The Business of Writing 101

Beverly Diehl

INSTRUCTOR:  Beverly Diehl

DATES:  August 3 – 19 (2.5 weeks)

COST: $30

LARA member cost: $20

CLASS DESCRIPTION:  Most writers would rather enjoy a root canal than talk about business. And yet, sometimes both are necessary (and with a little laughing gas, both can be made less painful).

In this six-part, two & a half week online workshop, participants will learn the essentials of running their writing business successfully:

  • A Douchebag By Any Other Name (why/how to choose a pen name)
  • To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate (overview of different organization structures & the pros & cons of each)
  • Poindexter, Your New BFF (Accountants – what they do that writers need, how to choose one)
  • Avoiding the Death of a Thousand Paper Cuts (What forms need to be filed)
  • Separate Ways (Basic principles of business record-keeping)
  • It’s Never As Easy As It Looks On TV (How to choose an accounting software package)
  • And more!

I’d love it if your schedule permits you to join the rest of the participants for this workshop. You know me – there will be mancandy.

Another thing starting on August 3 is my first radiation session. Six weeks, five days a week, three minutes of being zapped. I cannot honestly say I am looking forward to starting radiation, except in the sense that the sooner I start it, the sooner I will be done with it.

But six weeks goes fast, I’m as prepared as I can be, I’m very grateful to be one of the lucky people who does not need chemo. I have a generous supply of boob cream to get me through any skin discomfort, plus medicinal marijuana product to get me through any anxiety.

As electrifying career coach Shelley Mazer of Step Into The Possibilities told me and the Los Angeles Romance Authors at a recent presentation, “It’s good. It’s all good.”

Here’s hoping it’s all good with you as well.

Your thoughts, or questions?