First Drafts – Goldilocks & the Three Diets

I do wonder how many of the health problems of fat people can be linked to social shaming and ostracization, to self-loathing. I remember all too well the thrill during my dieting days, when the scale gave me “good news.” The widespread social approval and praise I earned by being a more “acceptable” size. And the horror and shame I felt when the numbers on the fucking scale slowly, inexorably crept upward.

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Whole Lotta Sexy Going On

First, BUY MY BOOK. Er, Story. Y’all don’t know how long I’ve been dying to be the one to say that. If I had a dollar, for all the Tweets and blog posts and FB ads I’ve read… But let’s turn the page on that, shall we? My short story, The Dog Days of Summer, will be…

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