Kick off your shoes, unfasten your bra, and let’s get comfy together.
My full bio is here, but the abbreviated version: She/Her. Sex-positive, pro-choice, life-positive, death-positive, polyamorous, breast cancer sur-thriver. With tiara.
I am a proud liberal, a happy feminist, and I let it all hang out, in my books and blog posts.

Boobs by Mother Nature
I believe that Black Lives Matter, that immigrants make America Great, that sex work is real work and should be legal, that transwomen are women, and that we should follow science where it leads – facemasks, vaccines, whatever.
If these are the kinds of things that get your knickers in a knot, you probably won’t want to hang around, but you’re welcome to do so, as long as you engage respectfully. I wouldn’t have learned as much as I have if people weren’t willing to patiently school me on the errors of my ways.
Not that I imagine I am there, yet.

There WILL be boob pictures, some showing nipples, and kitten pictures and vulgar language and music!
And while yes, I will occasionally throw in a BUY MY BOOK!! Come to my event!! It won’t be a constant blast of advertising.
We are all on a journey to learn things – shall we do it together?